These transformers have the following features:-
Screw terminals on transformers with Primary windings up to 20A and secondary windings up to 30A
Stud terminals on all higher currents and voltages above 750v
Full earth sreen fitted between primary and secondary
Insulation class F 155 deg C
High grade low loss steel
Each terminal clearly labelled
Varnish impregnated
100 % tested
Manufactured to your individual requirements in days
Facillity to mount in enclosures on order
Primary winding is delta, Secondary voltage is star (with star point terminated and availible for connection)
120mm wide
130mm high
60mm deep
Select the primary voltage (wound in Delta)
Select the Secondary voltage (wound star)
Select if enclosed or not
We have tried to cater for the most popular voltages but it is really impossible to allow for every option. If your configuration is not catered for, then simply email us, call us or select “specify between” from the drop down list, then at the checkout, in the “comments” box, type in your requirement.
If we have any doubt, then we will contact you.